Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Supreme Court Majority is NOT Feminine Principled!

It is happening again-- the feminine principle is being buried alive by the justices in the majority when they supported the religious beliefs of a corporation, Hobby Lobby, and in so doing dismissed the rights of women to  have healthcare that is based on their conscientious choices regarding their bodies and their  reproductive well-being

A dangerous precedent  has been cast. The conservatives of the Supreme Court have time and again  favored the corpus of corporations rather than the persons of the populus.Ironic that conservatives tout the individual's right to bear arms and  repudiate regulation of money and the environment, yet have the gall to run roughshod over women's bodies!

Maybe change will come only  when men's bodies are affected. No blood transfusions for the guy, perhaps? No immunizations for his kids as well as hers? The corporation conscience, though an oxymoron, may have more religious taboos up its mythical sleeve.What then?

Ah, will a miracle occur? As the sleeve  aims its mythical corporate armed arm at its own mythical  corporate foot, will we find ourselves in a new age --of single payer universal healthcare?  Voila, corporations can soak their phantom foot and put their  feigned consciences to rest. The latter won't be so hard, since their consciences are always at rest unless they are awakened by a self -serving agenda.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

In my new book, QUIET WISDOM IN LOUD TIMES:THE RISE OF THE WOUNDED FEMININE, I address men of feminine principle. The issue of recognition of the feminine within all of us is addressed. That is, the attendance to connection, compassion , care, and yes, vulnerability and openness as a strength... not always as a negative!
So today on Father's Day, may I offer my kindest wishes to you, the fathers who have inculcated in  the raising of your children the sense of compassion for others, the need for relationship to others and to the earth, and the acceptance of feelings... even tears. I laud you in your gentleness that eschews all forms of violence.
In gratitude , Kayta

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dreams and the patriarchy, past and present

In 2011,I had a dream that an evil man was torturing  a good man, and in the dream I was looking for the  woman who would come to his rescue. The good man arose from the table appearing to search for the woman.Even in the dream, I wondered anout my own negative animus( inner masculine) overtaking the positive animus, how my critical patriarch within stymies my creative drive and thrust. How indeed my own animus within needs to be wedded to the feminine principle!

Upon walking, I further considered that the dream has a powerful collective message. That is, that our issues of the world have less to do with  men and women per se, even though the problem gets enacted that way. Instead, it is that the masculine and feminine qualities in all of us have undergone a  psychological divorce.In fact, we need a global wedding of the masculine in women and the feminine in men.Patriarchy skews the balance between masculine and feminine.

So perhaps my dream, in the sense of the collective psyche, can be  a portent of how the gentle(man) masculine is being tortured by the patriarchy also, and that the feminine principle must arise, arrive, be known, and seen, for Life to flourish.

I am reminded, once again, when I awake, of Michael Blomqvist in  The Girl with Dragon Tattoo.It is the female protagonist , Lisbeth Salander, who rescues him from the torturing serial killer of women. (And even more recently we have Katniss the heroine of  The Hunger Game trilogy, protecting another feminine principled man, Peeta.)

When the wedding of the masculine and feminine lives in  us all and the patriarch's death rattle resounds no longer, it will not be the result  of a knight in shining armor slaying the dragon and saving the damsel. No, the damsel shall ride the dragon and save the  Night!

And the more recent dream is this. I awoke from a long dream in which I was writing down  a poem said to be by Rumi,( but  was not.) What I could recall were  the last lines of the poem: God in the world is the Sense of God in the world. The accent in the dream was on the word "sense."To me, this is an honoring of the feminine aspect of God, bringing Sky God to Earth.For the Divine to be known to us, there is not only transcendence but also immanence.SHE must be sensed in the world, incarnated in flesh and field. Smelled, seen, felt, heard!